Monday, November 15, 2010

Starting Fresh

I love new beginnings.  I love waking up early and feeling all the promise of a new day.  I (almost) always wake up on the right side of the bed.  Yes, I am a morning person... a very early morning person.  I also love new days and new weeks.  I like starting fresh on a clean slate.  I personally believe that you can "start fresh" at any moment of the day.  Just because you've had a bad first hour does not mean that the rest of the day has to be bad.  Still, there is just something about a new week that I love.

You know what I love/hate about Mondays?  I love looking at my polar heart rate monitor watch to check on the total calories burned from the previous week.  I had really been dreading this moment throughout the week because I was just awful about working out last week.  I missed a day of stadiums, missed a day of running, walked half of my run on Thursday and did 0 P90X workouts.  I shouldn't have been worried though.  Just go for a 17 mile run... it all evens out ;)

Onto a completely different subject...

We've all heard of facebook stalking

But what about facebook stalking us?

It always creeps me out how well facebook knows me.  You know those advertisements on the right hand side of the page?  It's always so creepy to me how much they know about me.  Almost all of the ads appeal directly to me.  I get when the ads are related to stuff that I've put on my facebook profile, it just starts to get weird when they seem to know where I shop and what I google.

Last spring I took a class online: Eating Disorders.  Throughout the course I had to do several research projects and presentations.  Google is a students best friend :).  I googled all kinds of things and came up with vast amounts of very interesting and appropriate images and information. 

Well... now facebook is convinced that I have an ED and is constantly telling me about various treatment facilities and that I should talk to someone about my struggles.

Thank you facebook...

I do enjoy their suggestions for "Runners groups for singles."  I would love for my future husband to be a runner.  Is it awful that I'm actually tempted by this advertisement? 

Gmail ads are even better though.  My favorite gmail ad: stop runners diarrhea now!

Awesome gmail.  Awesome.

I'm done with my first job of the day early.  I have about 2 hours to fit in some laundry and a P90X video.  Then off to teach ballet :)

I hope you all have a wonderful Monday!

What kind of ads appear on your facebook and email?  Are they right up your alley or totally random?

1 comment:

  1. I am always getting the single ads. or do you want a boyfriend I am single so I guess you could say they are right up my alley.
