Red bud tree
And mystery white flowering tree that looks somewhat like this... but isn't because this is an ornamental pear tree. Random internet images I love you, now if only you could just tell me what the white flowering trees I've been enjoying so much are.
And of course lots of blue skies and sunshine!
The oooonly problem... and I know I have absolutely no right to complain so please forgive me all you people who live in states that actually follow the seasons (Florida is confused - all the time): it's a little on the hot side for running.
Dear 55 degrees: My long run and I miss you - Sincerely, Soaking Wet Sharon
This is after my 13 mile run on Saturday
Shirt is completely wet - it's a good thing I was wearing black
It looks like I've peed my pants
I was attempting to show off my soaking wet hair. You can't really see the hair... but you get the idea
I'm pretty sure it was about 60/65 degrees out when I started. 75 by the time I got back.
I'm pretty sure I will be running in a sports bra in a month or so. It will be in the 80s in a few months. No, not during the day, I mean before the sun has come up.
I'm bummed but I'm sure I'll get used to it. I know I ran in the heat last summer but my mileage was no where near what it is now.
I love sweat, I love sweat, I love sweat
I will just keep repeating this to myself and hopefully it will sink in.
I woke up early this morning and went out for a nice 6 miler. By nice I mean my legs were still tired from the 13 on Saturday and felt like lead the whole way.
So of course after coming home, showering and shovelling some food into my mouth I forced myself to foam roll.
Hey, you do what you can when you can. Who says you can't foam roll in a dress before church? It works just as well...
Okay, so the dress DID get caught up a bit, but I managed ;)
I've been slacking a lot this week on strength training. I can't seem to work out a system that works well with my schedule. Some weeks I don't work much and I'm home for a lot of the day most of the days of the week. What's a girl to do? Well, I should probably clean but that doesn't happen often.
I tend to watch a lot of TV, read a lot of blogs, read a lot of, stalk people on facebook, sell my soul to facebook... you know, the list could go on. In general I think that exercise, in comparison with many of these activities, is a lot more beneficial and worth my time. On the other hand, there is the issue of over training. I think I probably do over train.
In the scheme of things, I don't really mind - I don't have anything better to do and it's fine as long as I'm having fun and I'm not getting injured. However, when I have a busy week then I often find myself not wanting to fit in anything at all. This is a problem. I think maybe if I didn't plan to do so much then when I was a little bit more busy I would be able to at least fit in something and I wouldn't feel guilty about what I missed.
These are the things I stress over. I know, I live a sad life ;)
Speaking of busy weeks, I'm gearing up for a pretty busy one coming up this week. I am in high demand as a babysitter :).
Are there any runners out there who feel like they have to fit in a lot of miles but strength train too? How do you fit it all in? Do you just strength train on the days when you're recovering?