I woke up super early this morning to try to fit in a 10 mile run before church. I had been up for about an hour when I heard rain :(.
Side note: I know it sounds crazy to wake up at 4:30AM to go on a 6:30AM run but I think it's important to have fuel in your body but I wanted to give the food a chance to digest a little so I wouldn't get cramps. I know it's all sound reasoning but it just feels a little on the crazy side when I'm waking up at 4:30 :). Anyways, I very dejectedly decided that I didn't want to do 10 miles in the rain and went back to sleep. When I woke up 30 minutes later it had stopped raining but I had missed my window of opportunity to run. Dumb rain fake out.
At some point during my day I decided that I was going to get my 10 mile run done NO MATTER WHAT. I decided I was going to set out as soon as I got home from church which is usually around 12:30 or 1. Insane, I know. When I decided to do this it was pretty cloudy and I thought maybe it would be overcast but that it wouldn't rain so it would be almost exactly like my morning runs. Uhhh, WRONG.
Before I left I was talking to my mom and sister about how I should hydrate during my run. My hydration belt hasn't arrived yet but I knew that if it was super hot outside that I really ought to bring something with me to drink. I just couldn't figure out how to carry it. Then my sister offered to ride her bike behind me the whole way and carry water and Gatorade with her. I'm not sure what she was thinking or what she got out of the whole thing. I mean, she did ride 10 miles but she rode the bike at my pace which is pretty slow... but she did it.
There is NO way I would have finished that run if she hadn't tagged along. I definitely couldn't have done it without the water but even more than that I couldn't have done it without her support and encouragement. I got to the first place that I could turn around and make my run a 6 mile instead of a 10 but she kept telling me "I know you can do it".
Of course I had just run this course last Saturday and ROCKED IT but wow, it is sooooo much harder in the heat and humidity. Last weeks weather was gorgeous running weather. I was probably insane for running in the weather today. It was about 87 degrees and 60% humidity.
Well, I took way more breaks than I'd like to admit but most of them were to rehydrate so I guess it's okay ;). Part of me felt like I was being a wimp but I really think that it was harder, not just mentally but physically. I fought through it though. It was tough but I did it. I have a nice sunburn to show for it too :). This is exactly how I felt during my run
I can't wait to see what water does for my morning runs. I'm aiming for a long run on Thursday. We shall see.
Best news...
I signed up for my first half marathon. It's in 6 weeks which seems really far away to me. I'm super pumped and I feel like at the rate I'm going that I'll be over prepared. I don't see any harm in this at all. Better than under prepared I think. I'm considering signing up for a full marathon in February. I feel SOOO far away from a marathon. The 10th mile is really hard, my legs are just dying and my knee is starting to ache so I can't even imagine almost tripling that. I think I'm going to wait and see what my next long run is with the water and see what I think at that point. I'm not giving up, eventually I will run a marathon, I'm just not sure if it'll be in February. I'll keep you posted though.
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